Tendinopathy (Tendon - Condition of)
Historically known as tendonitis, tendinopathies is a broad term to encompass a range of pathologies that are affecting a tendon. Tendonitis is a subset of tendinopathies, but describes a specific pathology where the tendon is inflamed.
There are various types of tendinopathies including
Tendon Disrepair
What Is A Tendon?
Tendons are dense connective tissues that typically attach muscles to bone. Comprised primarily of collagen, they are largely inelastic and their primary roll is to transfer the force form the muscle to the bone.
How Do Tendinopathies Occur?
Like most injuries, there are multiple factors that can lead to developing a Tendinopathy which include:
Blood type O
Poor vascularity
Altered biomechanics
Training errors
Hormone replacement therapy
Poor flexibility
Strength imbalances
What Are The Symptoms Of Tendinopathy?
The symptoms of Tendinopathy can vary greatly but common symptoms include sensations of stiffness, sharp morning pain, aching pain with / following activity or a swollen appearance in the tendon. These symptoms are often misdiagnosed a muscle strain, bursitis or referral from the lower back. For this reason, a thorough clinical assessment from physiotherapist is the ideal starting point for any new injuries.
How Are Tendinopathies Managed?
There is a huge amount research in the manifestation and treatment of tendinopathies today. The current evidence suggests eccentric strengthening protocols, addressing biomechanics & training errors can be effective in overcoming these injuries. Medications such as NSAIDS and corticosteroids may be helpful in your symptoms in the short term but haven’t been demonstrated to create longterm changes. Other therapies may include shockwave, growth factors or stem cells.
Like most conditions, we don’t yet know of a magic bullet solution and each case needs a thorough assessment and tailored program.