Busted Myths & Broken Bones
A Blog About Injuries & Rehab

Enhancing Running Recovery: Strategies for Optimal Performance
Did you know that running is a popular form of physical activity in Australia, with 1 in 5 Australians trying it at some stage in their life? As events like Run Melbourne, The Melbourne Marathon, and Great Ocean Road Marathon gain increasing popularity, with the Melbourne Marathon attracting over 30,000 participants, more runners are seeking ways to optimize their recovery sessions and gain an extra edge in training or reaching their goals.

Neck Pain & Stretching
Neck pain is a common complaint for people seeking remedial massage. Office Workers make up the lions share of people presenting neck pain. Jun (2009) reports that office workers are 34-49% more likely to experience neck pain than other occupations.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome, commonly abbreviated to TOS, may very well be one of the most difficult and controversial diagnosis in clinical medicine.
The goal of this Blog is to breakdown this condition and to better understand what we as musculoskeletal type practitioners can do to provide the best care for patients presenting with possible symptoms of TOS. Whether that be assessing the condition, providing hands on or exercise based treatment or even knowing when best to refer on a patient that may need further investigation or even surgical intervention.

Cervical Disc Bulge & Radiculopathy
The neck (cervical spine) is an important part of our anatomy. Not only gives us a large range of movement for our neck, but it provides protection for the blood supply to our brain and the nerves that drive our arms.
Compression or irritation of the nerves can lead to a Radiculopathy which is of neurological signs, typically found down the arm.
This blog is all about your nerve roots, the discs and all the bits and bobs between!

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) and Myotherapy
Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders is commonly called ‘TMJ/TMD’, is a group of conditions that cause several complex symptoms, pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement.
Amber Johannesen (Myotherapist) talks us through this interesting condition and how myotherapy techniques can be an important part of its management.

Acute Lower Back Pain & Myotherapy
Lower back pain (LBP) is one of the world’s leading musculoskeletal complaints. There is a high chance you’ve experienced it and here are some tips on what you can do to manage it.

Spring Myotherapy News
Patients reporting head & neck pain would be one of the most common reasons for patients to attend Richmond Rehab

15% of Australian’s experience Migraines but do you know how they differ from a regular headache?

Cervicogenic Headaches
Cervicogenic headache is a secondary headache, which means that it is caused by another illness or physical issue. In the case of cervicogenic headache, the cause is a disorder of the cervical spine and its component bone, disc and/or soft tissue elements.

Sit/ Stand Desks
Sit-Stand Desks are becoming increasingly popular in office workplaces with research into these desks providing a lot of benefits with their use. This blog will delve into what exactly a sit-stand desk is, it’s proper use, and what benefits they may provide its user.

Neck and Back Pain
Our most common condition we see at our clinic is neck and shoulder issues. Bec has written a short blog on how to avoid pain here through regular movement, exercise and treatment.

Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome explained
A common condition we see at the clinic with people getting back into running or increasing training loads is Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome. This pain is a lateral knee pain caused from tightness through the ITB can cause all sorts of havoc for runners and cause muscle imbalances and joint dysfunctions throughout the body.

Taping for Postural Correction
Taping a clients back is a common tool used at the clinic for postural correction to hold the body in the perfect anatomical position and to create awareness of slouching during day to day living. A huge majority of our cases we see of lower and upper back pain is essentially self inflicted through bad habits of poor posture and can easily be improved to prevent any future and long-term injuries.

Trigger Points Explained
Muscle 'knots' or 'trigger points' are commonly involved in muscular pains. Mark Gelo talks us through what measures we can take to help manage your pains.

What Is Dry Needling?
Dry Needling has become increasingly popular for the management of musculoskeletal pain but what is it all about?

Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis Syndrome is a common condition that can give you similar symptoms to Sciatica. Kyle Michelle has written this handy condition profile to educate our patients about what it is and what can be done.

Posture! Posture! Posture!
Everyone's posture could do with some improvement from time to time. This graphic is an excellent illustration of some of our bad habits and what we can do to improve things.